Setting up Business in Hong Kong through Enterslice
Opening a company in Hong Kong is quiet a difficult task. If you've never done company registration before, juggling the meanderings of Hong Kong bureaucracy may not be an easy task. Also, if you want to do it all by yourself, you will have to go to Hong Kong and stay there for a few weeks. The problem can be solved by relying on an agency that takes care of preparing all the necessary documents. If you are thinking of living in mainland China, your company will not be able to provide you with a visa. The alternative is to go to Company Registration in Hong Kong every 3-6 months and apply for a business visa but it is becoming increasingly difficult as the Chinese government is trying to limit access to those who live in China without having a real residence permit.
Hong Kong is the best place to do business with China and the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) provides Hong Kong-based companies with exclusive access to the Chinese market. If you are thinking of doing business with a Chinese partner, a company in Hong Kong could make things a lot easier, especially when it comes to receiving payments from China.